
First we define a Field. This is the wrapper class that all the fields conform to. This allows all of them to share implemenation and functionality and also leads to an easier validation layer.

2 Types Of Fields

  1. Text-entry fields. This comprises of EntryField and AreaField.

  2. Picker type fields. This comprises of PickerField and DateField

They all resemble each other in their normal state but each offer their own unique functionality in their active states. Picker type fields hold entry fields with pickers that drop down below them. They have done buttons to close themselves and optional clear buttons (set by isClearable = true).


A Field has 3 states with read-only flags:

  • Not active : isActive == false
  • Active, highlight visible : isActive == true
  • Error : hasError == true

All the state logic and UI is handled internally. You can set the error state using setError(withText:) and also remove it manually (the fields handle it on their own automatically, see specific field for details) using removeErrorUI()


They return 2 types of values:

  • String accessed by .text if it is an EntryField, AreaField or PickerField and,
  • Date

    Date accessed by .date if it is DateField


    Fields rely on their intrinsicContentSize. This is becuase they can change in height depending on if they open a picker or have text in their error state. The easiest way to implement them is by throwing them inside UIStackViews and letting auto-layout handle everything around them. It can be more work if you want to set a height constraint (through auto-layout or a frame) but below are the heights for each field and their given state.

    Field Type Normal Error Picker Open Picker Open + Error
    EntryField 43.5 63.0 N/A N/A
    AreaField 43.5+ 63.0+ N/A N/A
    PickerField 43.5 63.0 269.5 289
    DateField 43.5 63.0 269.5 289


    Since all fields look the same they all have the exact same color properties (with small differences given the features).