
PickerFieldDemo PickerFieldDemo

PickerFieldDemo PickerFieldDemo

This is your UIPickerView which only supports 1 column. Most of the setup work has been extracted away, leaving little implementation logic needed. All you need to do is set its data array to your string array and the rest is handled for you. The PickerField holds an EntryField that is used to display the contents of the picker.


This will be a little different than you’re used to as you no longer need to implement the data source protocol.

You have:

  • shouldBeginEditing : wether it should open or not

  • didEndEditing: user closed the field by tapping on the done button or keyboard came up (see Keyboard Behaviour)

  • cleared : user tapped the clear button (only if isClearable = true)

  • selectedRowForIndexPath : user selected a different value in the picker

Extra Features

  • isManualEntryCapable this appends a Manual Entry option to the end of your data source which brings up the keyboard if selected and activates the EntryField embedded inside the PickerField. The manual entry row label is overridable using manualEntryOptionName.

You can observe the current index using indexSelected set an index using setIndexTo and set the index to manual entry using setIndexToManual().

Responder Behaviour

  • becomeFirstResponder() will activate and open up the picker / EntryField if it’s on manual entry
  • resignFirstResponder() will deactivate and close the picker / EntryField if it’s on manual entry

Keyboard Behaviour

PickerFields register for keyboardDidShow notifications. If they are not on manual entry, they will close themselves and trigger their didEndEditing delegate upon the keyboard coming up.